Who We Are
We are not the Church of tomorrow, but the Body of Christ of today! We acknowledge that a student's call and mission do not form when they graduate high school, get a degree, or start a family; their walks start at the moment of their salvation! So, we believe youth have equal opportunity in the Church to be His hands and feet.

What We Do
As John 10:10 says, Jesus came so that we could have life in abundance, so that is what we do! As our name sake suggests, we "Live In Full Everyday!" As we know, a full and purposeful life is one that puts worshipping God at the center of it all! We worship God through the reading of His Word, the loving of His people, and the glorifying of His name! This, is what our ministry is designed to do!

What's Different
We believe in the model that Jesus gave of discipleship, where we walk alongside each other in our daily lives. We do not think youth group is simply a program that meets a few times a week; it's a community to experience both the best parts of life and the worst. Thus, gatherings outside the planned meetings are not just common, but expected!
At a
"Having the opportunity to disciple youth is one of the biggest blessings of my life. Seeing young people willingly surrendering their lives to Jesus and His call is a beautiful and humbling experience. There's no place I'd rather be than worshipping God alongside these amazing young people." -Riley Young
What Our "Youthers" Say
Angel Sosa
There’s so many things I love about L.I.F.E. Youth. The people, the activities, and most of all the worship and lessons we have. Being at youth is such a blessing to me because being there and the people I’ve met have had a huge impact on me. Honestly I have a blast every time I go to youth. Whether we’re playing a game or praising the Lord, I love every part of it.

Sarah Gray
I have been going to this youth group for about 4-5 years now and it has been one of the best things that has happened to me. It has brought me new friends, helped me grow my relationship with Christ, and always makes me feel welcome.

Adam Brown
Youth is a place of acceptance, a place that I would call home away from home. It's a place where enemies become the best of friends, but most importantly, it's a place of worship. Youth is the place I would rather be at than anywhere else in the universe (other than Heaven, of course!)
Wednesday Night Youth
Wednesday nights are the biggest nights for our youthers! Wednesday nights consist of eating dinner together, playing a game, and diving into the Word of God! Currently, we are doing a joint study with the adults over the Apostle's Creed! For more specific details, check out the event listing on our calendar!

Sunday Night Youth
Join us on Sunday Nights for in-depth book and video series! Currently, we are reading "The Cost of Discipleship" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer and going through a David Platt sermon series over the Holy Spirit! For more specific details, check out the event listing on our calendar!