Welcome to Smithville CPC!

Smithville Cumberland Presbyterian Church exists to carry out the Great Commission as described in Matthew 28. We believe we do this through three different means. Through Christ, we "Worship God. Love People. & Grow Disciples." This is the mission of our church body, and we intentionally model all our ministries around this belief.  We are glad you have made it to our "digital front door," and hope we see you walking through our physical front door soon!

Some Quick Tips For Your Visit

Worship Services

Most Sundays, we have two services. A contemporary worship service at 8:45am, and a traditional service at 11:00am. Every first Sunday of the month, we have a combined worship service at 10:00am.


We are located at 201 South College Street in Smithville, TN. Services are held in the sanctuary building on the corner lot. Use the front door located at the top of the steps, or the ramp located on the south side of the sanctuary building.


Parking is available on the street or the black-top area directly beside the playground. If you're a visitor, we have spots reserved  just for you! Look for the "Visitor Parking" signs along the fence.


Though kids are welcome at all our services, we do have nursery services available for children 4 years of age or younger!

Latest Sermon

Catch up on the latest sermon or go back to some of your favorites!

Upcoming Events

Service Times

Sunday Mornings

Contemporary Worship 8:30am
Sunday School 10:00am
Traditional Service 11:00am

First Sundays

Sunday School 9:00am
Combined Worship 10:00am

Wednesday Evenings

Children & Youth Gatherings 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Adult Bible Study 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Get In Touch

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